Facts To Know Before Opting For The Best Stone Tiles Market Harborough

Natural stone flooring is a beautiful addition to any house or business. It is long-lasting and outlasts many other types of flooring. How can you choose the best natural stone flooring for your house or business when there are so many options? Learn everything you need to know about stonetiles market Harborough.

Wear & High Foot Traffic

This is a tried and true test. Carpet is a good option for temporary flooring, but not all stone flooring options are the same.

Slate, marble, travertine, and granite, among other materials used in modern flooring, all wear down due to excessive foot traffic. As a result, the true decision becomes one of restoration. Natural stone flooring's restoration ability is a top consideration if you want to keep the value of your house or commercial structure high.

·         Slate is attractive, but its appeal stems from its irregular surface. This is something that refinishing and restoration can wreak havoc on.

·         Marble is solid and strong, so it can withstand heavy foot activity. Because of its hardness, it can be refinished more easily than most other natural stones.

·         Granite is as robust as marble and can withstand heavy foot traffic, but it is more expensive to install than marble.Granite is also permeable, which necessitates frequent sealing and is susceptible to staining.

Value, Not Fashion

Natural stone floors provide greater value to your home or business than other types of flooring. Carpet and laminate flooring have year-to-year life cycles, whereas stone flooring has millennia-to-millennia-to-millennia-to-millennia-to-mill

Even so, not all stones are equal in value. Natural stones that are difficult to restore or that do not hold up well to heavy foot activity depreciate the value of your area. When shopping for natural stone flooring, keep the following points in mind:

·         Natural stone, on the other hand, should be easy to maintain.

·         It should be able to withstand traffic and wear.

·         Natural stone should resurface in a beautiful and almost imperceptible manner.

·         It should be praised for its natural splendor.

·         Natural stone should enhance a space.

·         It should be visible to both property owners and visitors.

Only marble, out of all the natural stone options, checks all of those requirements.

Size & Natural Color

Natural stone flooring is available in a wide range of colours, ranging from almost pure white to a rich, deep black. The size of the mined stones is also a factor to consider. Larger slabs of travertine, for example, are not conceivable because it is carved from stalagmites. In comparison, marble and granite are available in very huge slabs. Colors and designs are one thing, but stones with translucence reign supreme.

Modifications And Enhancements

Hard, dense stones respond better to polishing or finishing. Both granite and marble can be polished to a high sheen. Softer stones polish, but restoring that polish is a time-consuming and expensive process.

Removal Of Stain

Not all natural stones are stain-resistant. What happens if a child draws on the floor with a permanent marker? What happens when animals' paws and claws come into contact with natural stone flooring? It's not just about aesthetics when it comes to flooring. It's all about how it'll hold up over time, especially if there's a high chance of stains.

Renewal Or Replacement?

Some stones are more difficult to refinish and repair, and replacing a stone floor is less expensive than repairing it. Others, like as marble, are simpler to restore if a marble restoration firm understands the procedure from beginning to end. It's a cost-versus-value trade-off that shouldn't be overlooked.


Every natural stone has a flaw. Travertine is porous and stain-prone, granite is porous and stain-prone, slate is difficult to resurface, and marble is brittle. While each variety of stone has its own set of drawbacks, the majority of them provide practically faultless flooring solutions.

Before you buy, learn about the drawbacks of each natural stone option. What will the natural stone floor look like in ten years? For the best stone tiles market Harborough, visit DiscountCeramics today!


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